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Posted on February 18 2021, By: Geoff Lau

It's so easy to learn how to make an affogato that it hardly needs a recipe. It's so amazingly delicious, however, that I just have to share it with you!

Affogato is an Italian coffee-based dessert. While Italians have enjoyed it for years at the end of a meal, it became more popular in North America as a beverage when Starbuck's put Affogato-style Frappuccino blended beverages on their menu.

Hot espresso poured over an icy Frappuccino made beautiful pockets of rich coffee as it mingled with icy coffee and cream. No wonder Starbuck's sold so many!

All you need is good quality gelato or vanilla ice cream and some freshly brewed espresso. 

If you have a coffee machine, brew yourself a shot. However, you can substitute strong brewed coffee (even decaffeinated). Instant espresso powder works perfectly too.

How to make an affogato

  • Chill the dessert glass or mug.
  • Brew the espresso just before serving.
  • Either pour the espresso over the ice cream and serve immediately, or serve the espresso on the side and let your guests pour it on themselves.
  • Garnish is optional, but try sliced almonds or other nuts, chocolate curls, or a shot of liqueur like Amaretto or other coffee liqueur.


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